Saturday, November 17, 2007


Cindy has been singing and old preschool song to Michael. "5 little ducks went out to play" Michael just loves it! When ever it is time to say "quack quack quack" he holds his hand like a duck bill and quacks, and giggles. Well ever since he learned this, every type of bird is a duck that quacks. His quacks and duck sound so much alike I can't distigiush them. Anyhow, tonight he was playing the piano with "GraaandPaa" when he suddenly stopped and started pointing at Russells shirt saying "duck duck." Russell is wearing a Postal T-shirt with a Bald Eagle that has flag wings.


Susan said...

Too cute! Can't wait to see him.

blog648 said...

I have a duck story that’s kind of related. Your Aunt Carla is an elementary school teacher. When she first started teaching first grade she told me one of the kids’ favorite songs to sing was “Five Little Ducks”. She had her kids color little ducks and cut them out to make finger puppets. Of course, they were thrilled, and loved playing with their puppets, perhaps a little too much. She had moved on to another subject and was trying to get their attention, but all the kids were still playing with their little ducks and quacking at each other and making a horrible racket. She tried repeatedly to get their attention, to no avail. Finally she grabbed the waste basket, held it up and said very sternly “If you kids don’t put those ducks up right now, I’m going to take them away and put them in the garbage!” That got their attention. One by one, the kids put their ducks up over their heads and held them there. It was all she could do to keep from bursting out giggling. “Okay, that’s better. Now, if you want to keep your ducks, put them away, now.”

Leiser Family said...

I love that story! Kids are so cute! That is Michaels favorite song, maybe tomorrow we will make some little duck finger puppets. . .