Saturday, March 7, 2009

Backseat Driver!

Lately Michael has been doing this thing where he sticks his hand out and yells "stop" whenever I am not listening to him, or getting after him about something. So, the other day, Michael and I are going to the store and I am singing along with the radio. He sticks his hand out and yells "Stop Mommy stop!" I quit singing. Again he sticks his hand out and yells "Stop Mommy stop!" "Too fast!" I then realize he wants me to stop the car. So I explain some traffic rules to him. ie stop at a red light go on a green light.

Now, whenever we come to a red light he tells me to stop. If the light is green he yells "go." I am trying to teach him how lights work when making turns. Because whenever I go to make a right turn at a red light he freaks out yelling "Stop Mommy, red light!"


Lisa said...

Hey Noelle! I found you! I might be around on facebook, but I actually understand how to blog, so . . . here I am! It sounds like you are busy! And your little guy sounds hillarious! What fun!

P and M said...

Miss Noelle,

I just want to leave you a comment and say absolutely nothing!

Love you too,